Special Offers
Explore our ongoing Special Offers at Dreams Laser & Spa. We believe that luxury treatments should be accessible to everyone, which is why we offer incredible deals without compromising on quality. Take advantage of our exclusive promotions and experience the highest level of satisfaction while achieving your desired results.
Spring Savings!
Underarms Laser
Enjoy a special limited-time offer for 5 sessions of underarm laser hair removal at Dreams Laser & Spa for only $185!
Full Legs + Brazilian
Indulge in our irresistible deal for one session of full legs & brazilian laser hair removal at Dreams Laser & Spa, now available for only $179! Book your appointment today and save!
Dermaplanning + Jelly Mask
Become fuzz free and enjoy a relaxing mask for only $89. Book your appointment today and save!
Hydrafacial w/ Jelly Mask
Take advantage of our exclusive offer for a HydraFacial with Jelly Mask at Dreams Laser & Spa, available now for just $165.
Dp4 Microneedling
Enjoy our special offer for Dp4 Microneedling for just $199.
Brazilian Laser
Don't miss out on our unbeatable offer for 5 sessions of Brazilian laser hair removal at Dreams Laser & Spa, priced at an incredible $275!
Full Legs Laser
Become hair free by Summer by enjoying our special offer for 5 sessions of Full Legs laser hair removal for only $625.
Experience the epitome of beauty and tranquility at Dreams Laser & Spa. Our team of skilled professionals specializes in a wide array of premium services such as laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, Oxygen Rx treatments, dermaplaning, and Hydrafacial therapy. Embrace pure relaxation, renew your spirit, and realize your desired aesthetic with our cutting-edge spa offerings.
Contact Us
5568 206 St #102.
Langley, BC V3A 7T1
Tel: 604.427.1995
Cell: 604.206.9405